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Artist's Showcase

In this Section I will be showing off all the Art/Emotes done by the Varies Artist's that I have commissioned over the time of my Twitch Career! I will also provide links on where you can find them!

For some it may seem weird to have different Artists to work with, however in my experience people have loved seeing the wide variety of talents across the different artists commissioned by myself! and if you like what you can see you can even click on their links to possibly commission yourself! 
To see how you can contact them please click on their image, to be linked to one of their contact methods! Thank you!


Sara on Caffeine is the first artist I had the Pleasure of working with! whilst I was still early in my Streaming Career Sara had went out of her way to create some emotes for me! 

As my journey has progressed I have since had the pleasure of commissioning them properly and not only have they done emotes for me, they have done all of my sub badges up to this point and I hope to be able to have all of my future ones done by Sara! 

For a little background, Sara is French Canadian, and they primarily do pixel art! however they have been expanding their horizons as of late! so if you enjoy what you see, please consider giving Sara a follow or even possibly commissioning her! 


TaraIsAwesomeee is another Fantastic Artist who is also a Twitch Streamer as well! I have been able to commission Tara quite a few times, she has made me totodile and Koopie based emotes! as well as designed and brought to life, My DnD characters!

Tara has a unique Art design, and personally I think she always does a fantastic job with all of her artwork! 

with Tara's Style I have been able to utilize new and interesting Ideas when it came to both my emotes, some artwork and my DnD Character Designs, she has done such an incredible job when it comes to any and all artwork that she creates! Please consider Commissioning Tara!


8bitval is a French Canadian Artist! she has a very unique anime/chibi style that she incorporates into her artwork, which includes Emote art, however not exclusive to emotes.

Val has a lot of experience in the art field, she had built herself a Branding that can be recognized very easily! She has her Own Website and Her own business, and has been a twitch Streamer for many years, building up a community that loves interacting with val and sticking with her, through the journey she has had, and the different rebrandings, despite all of that, she stays true to who she is!

You can catch Val Live fairly often on Twitch streaming 3 days a week, with her unique emote art bundles and more! please check val out and consider commissioning her!


MokaTheVampyre is a Trans Variety Streamer on Twitch who also Started to relearn Art back in the later quarters of 2021, and has since then been able to build her own portfolio on Ko-fi which is the primary way to commission Moka! Moka is also in the UK much like Myself!

I have had the absolute honor of watching Moka's growth during her art reprise and seeing her style develop every single time, she is able to create a new piece has been fantastic to witness and be apart of! Moka has also a very unique style when it comes to her artwork, and it stands out, in an extremely good way!

Moka has been on Twitch as well for a few years and have been building up her own community over the years, which as also developed into something great, she has a fantastic community that love and appreciate everything she does, on and off stream, she definitely thrives both On and Offline and full of pure love for those that she calls her friends.


Citriina is Another American Artist and Twitch Streamer, that I have had the pleasure of getting to know, and eventually being able to commission! She has been super lovely to work with and get to know more about, and her artwork is very much out of this world, much like everyone else on this page! 

Fun little fact about Citriina, is that She primary speaks English however has mostly taught, herself Japanese and honestly you wouldn't really be able to tell that, that was the case, Citriina is also all round a super bubbly and welcoming individual both on and off stream!

If you like Her artwork or her style or are interested in commissing a Vtuber Model or Live 2D model please contact Citriina, as the work she does speaks for itself and it speaks volumes on how much work, time and effort she puts into those models! so please considering reaching out to Citriina!

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