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My Services

Below you will find all of the Services I provide! you can click on each image and that will take you directly to the page with more information on each service, on top of that it will show the way for you to contact me regarding any of the services below!


Mix It Up Tutorials

Check here for the Latest installment of Mix It Up tutorials!

MIU is a Free application that streamers can use in place of many bots, and if you have any prior knowledge of coding that can also help!


This is where I will post my latest Video about Mix It Up, you will also be able to look at all past videos related to Mix It Up! 

If there are any particular sections that you would like me to go over more in detail you can suggest them to me Via either the Contact Page or Discord which will be linked in the Contact Page!

Streamladder    Tutorials

This is where you can find my Tutorials on how to use Stream Ladder!

Stream ladder is a website that you can use to edit videos, such as Twitch clips into Tiktoks, Hover and Youtube shorts (even Instagram Shorts), and you can save templates of how you create the videos as well so you can work faster on the videos as well!

There probably won't be that many videos in this section, as there aren't many different templates, however I think I will create a video on each of the pre-saved templates on the site, and show how I use them!  


This should help anyone looking for a free website that allows you to freely edit videos, with some pre-saved templates, and how to further edit them to look a bit more unique.


Dixper Tutorials

Click here to find my Dixper tutorials!

Dixper is another Free application that you can download from the Dixper site, this is a great interactive app, that you can use with viewers on stream, when playing certain games! 

In this section you will be able to find out how to download the app, set it up, appropriately, and even how to set up custom cards for your viewers to use!


Dixper is also a Great place for your viewers to be able to support you financially, and you can even set the prices of your custom crates so that it's easier for viewers to participate in using the dixper cards/crates.

Patreon Showcase

By clicking this link you can see my most up to date Patreon posting!

Patreon is a great place to to show more external support outside of Twitch, you can become a Patron at a different tiers and receive different rewards for the support! 

This is something that is still relatively new to me, and I haven't gotten a lot on there at the moment, however I am hoping to be able to add a lot more to the site soon! 

With the Different Tiers and the Different rewards you will be able to receive a lot of different and unique items for use as you see fit! 


Ko-Fi Showcase

By clicking this link you can see my most up to date Ko-fi posting!

Ko-fi is yet another way to support to me off of Twitch, you can Join at different rates per Month, you can buy me a one time or reoccurring coffee, or you can support me by donating straight to my goal.


There will also be an option to commission me straight on the site! this is still in development, so please be Patient!

Future Things

Under Construction!! 

This area will be for all the Future Projects I have planned, when they are Live, I will post updates on this page, so keep an eye on this space! 

After the page has been updated there may be more links to click here!

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