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An example of different rewards for different tiers are as follows: -

Tier 1 - Grey Troop - You get a Discord Role and Access to special Patreon Channels in the Discord.

Tier 2 - Green Troop - This Includes everything from the previous tier, as well as some Behind the scenes.


Tier 3 - Red Troop - this Tier includes everything from the previous tiers in addition to Work in Progress updates and Access to Exclusive Content that can only be found on Patreon

Patreon Showcase

Patreon is a great service as it allows users to be able to subscribe to specific tiers and pledge on a monthly basis where depending on what tier they are able to and want to pledge at, they can receive a variety if different rewards, and this can all be adjusted and made to be  unique to you and your branding! 


Patreon is a great way to support Content creators across different and varying platforms, by subscribing at different tiers and being rewarded with varies rewards, it allows content creators to be able to give back more to the community and increase that level of engagement between the streamer and the community.

Click on the Image to be taken to the Patreon Site!

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